
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 ** $Id: ldump.c,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
00003 ** save precompiled Lua chunks
00004 ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
00005 */
00007 #include <stddef.h>
00009 #define ldump_c
00010 #define LUA_CORE
00012 #include "lua.h"
00014 #include "lobject.h"
00015 #include "lstate.h"
00016 #include "lundump.h"
00018 typedef struct {
00019  lua_State* L;
00020  lua_Writer writer;
00021  void* data;
00022  int strip;
00023  int status;
00024 } DumpState;
00026 #define DumpMem(b,n,size,D) DumpBlock(b,(n)*(size),D)
00027 #define DumpVar(x,D)    DumpMem(&x,1,sizeof(x),D)
00029 static void DumpBlock(const void* b, size_t size, DumpState* D)
00030 {
00031  if (D->status==0)
00032  {
00033   lua_unlock(D->L);
00034   D->status=(*D->writer)(D->L,b,size,D->data);
00035   lua_lock(D->L);
00036  }
00037 }
00039 static void DumpChar(int y, DumpState* D)
00040 {
00041  char x=(char)y;
00042  DumpVar(x,D);
00043 }
00045 static void DumpInt(int x, DumpState* D)
00046 {
00047  DumpVar(x,D);
00048 }
00050 static void DumpNumber(lua_Number x, DumpState* D)
00051 {
00052  DumpVar(x,D);
00053 }
00055 static void DumpVector(const void* b, int n, size_t size, DumpState* D)
00056 {
00057  DumpInt(n,D);
00058  DumpMem(b,n,size,D);
00059 }
00061 static void DumpString(const TString* s, DumpState* D)
00062 {
00063  if (s==NULL || getstr(s)==NULL)
00064  {
00065   size_t size=0;
00066   DumpVar(size,D);
00067  }
00068  else
00069  {
00070   size_t size=s->tsv.len+1;   /* include trailing '\0' */
00071   DumpVar(size,D);
00072   DumpBlock(getstr(s),size,D);
00073  }
00074 }
00076 #define DumpCode(f,D)  DumpVector(f->code,f->sizecode,sizeof(Instruction),D)
00078 static void DumpFunction(const Proto* f, const TString* p, DumpState* D);
00080 static void DumpConstants(const Proto* f, DumpState* D)
00081 {
00082  int i,n=f->sizek;
00083  DumpInt(n,D);
00084  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
00085  {
00086   const TValue* o=&f->k[i];
00087   DumpChar(ttype(o),D);
00088   switch (ttype(o))
00089   {
00090    case LUA_TNIL:
00091   break;
00092    case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
00093   DumpChar(bvalue(o),D);
00094   break;
00095    case LUA_TNUMBER:
00096   DumpNumber(nvalue(o),D);
00097   break;
00098    case LUA_TSTRING:
00099   DumpString(rawtsvalue(o),D);
00100   break;
00101    default:
00102   lua_assert(0);      /* cannot happen */
00103   break;
00104   }
00105  }
00106  n=f->sizep;
00107  DumpInt(n,D);
00108  for (i=0; i<n; i++) DumpFunction(f->p[i],f->source,D);
00109 }
00111 static void DumpDebug(const Proto* f, DumpState* D)
00112 {
00113  int i,n;
00114  n= (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizelineinfo;
00115  DumpVector(f->lineinfo,n,sizeof(int),D);
00116  n= (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizelocvars;
00117  DumpInt(n,D);
00118  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
00119  {
00120   DumpString(f->locvars[i].varname,D);
00121   DumpInt(f->locvars[i].startpc,D);
00122   DumpInt(f->locvars[i].endpc,D);
00123  }
00124  n= (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizeupvalues;
00125  DumpInt(n,D);
00126  for (i=0; i<n; i++) DumpString(f->upvalues[i],D);
00127 }
00129 static void DumpFunction(const Proto* f, const TString* p, DumpState* D)
00130 {
00131  DumpString((f->source==p || D->strip) ? NULL : f->source,D);
00132  DumpInt(f->linedefined,D);
00133  DumpInt(f->lastlinedefined,D);
00134  DumpChar(f->nups,D);
00135  DumpChar(f->numparams,D);
00136  DumpChar(f->is_vararg,D);
00137  DumpChar(f->maxstacksize,D);
00138  DumpCode(f,D);
00139  DumpConstants(f,D);
00140  DumpDebug(f,D);
00141 }
00143 static void DumpHeader(DumpState* D)
00144 {
00145  char h[LUAC_HEADERSIZE];
00146  luaU_header(h);
00147  DumpBlock(h,LUAC_HEADERSIZE,D);
00148 }
00150 /*
00151 ** dump Lua function as precompiled chunk
00152 */
00153 int luaU_dump (lua_State* L, const Proto* f, lua_Writer w, void* data, int strip)
00154 {
00155  DumpState D;
00156  D.L=L;
00157  D.writer=w;
00158  D.data=data;
00159  D.strip=strip;
00160  D.status=0;
00161  DumpHeader(&D);
00162  DumpFunction(f,NULL,&D);
00163  return D.status;
00164 }

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