pyexpat for PyS60

Mon Apr 25 03:56:09 2011

This is a Symbian port of pyexpat, for Python for S60 1.4.x (only).

The Symbian-specific build scripts build SIS files that contain both the pyexpat native extension, and the xml module (as extracted from the Python distribution). Note that just the pyexpat extension is not necessarily enough to make all of the functionality in the xml module work; other Python libraries or native extensions may be required for full functionality.

0.1. Source Code

0.2. Patches

For the patches against the mainline versions of Expat and pyexpat, see the downloads page. For more information about the patches, see the doc directory in the source code tree.

0.3. Binaries

For a prebuilt self-signed SIS file see the downloads page.

Builds have been made with a variety of different SDK versions, and there should be a suitable build for just about any S60 device.

0.4. License

Licensing information for Expat and pyexpat can be found from the expat-*-* and pyexpat-*-* directories. Any HIIT modifications to these are covered by the original licenses. Any HIIT additions (such as builds and test scripts) are covered by the MIT license.

1. Acknowledgements

The Symbian port of the Python extension was done in the PDIS project at HIIT.

Tero Hasu