sa_sensor_list_log_db.c File Reference

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char const * get_create_tables_sql ()
gboolean prepare_sql_statements (LogDb *self, GError **error)
void destroy_sql_statements (LogDb *self)
gboolean log_db_log_mark (LogDb *self, char const *msgText, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_appmessage (LogDb *self, char const *msgText, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_light (LogDb *self, int level, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_tap (LogDb *self, int direction, gboolean isDouble, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_proximity (LogDb *self, gboolean isClose, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_musicplayer (LogDb *self, int eventId, char const *detail, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_musictrack (LogDb *self, char const *url, char const *title, char const *artist, char const *album, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_httpurl (LogDb *self, char const *url, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_profile (LogDb *self, int profileId, char const *profileName, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_cellid (LogDb *self, char const *countryCode, char const *networkCode, int areaCode, int cellId, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_position (LogDb *self, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, double verticalAccuracy, double horizontalAccuracy, char const *course, char const *satellites, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_appfocus (LogDb *self, sqlite3_int64 appUid, char const *appCaption, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_keypress (LogDb *self, char const *aPressTimes, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_inactivity (LogDb *self, gboolean value, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_indicator (LogDb *self, guint32 value, guint32 caps, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_callstatus (LogDb *self, int value, char const *aNumber, char const *aContactName, int aStartTime, int aOsTerm, int aNetTerm, GError **error)
gboolean log_db_log_smsevent (LogDb *self, char const *aEvType, char const *aNumber, char const *aContactName, char const *aBodyText, GError **error)


static const char create_tables_sql []

Function Documentation

void destroy_sql_statements ( LogDb self  ) 

Definition at line 240 of file sa_sensor_list_log_db.c.

References sqlite3_finalize().

char const* get_create_tables_sql (  ) 

Definition at line 145 of file sa_sensor_list_log_db.c.

References create_tables_sql.

Referenced by create_log_db().

gboolean log_db_log_appfocus ( LogDb self,
sqlite3_int64  appUid,
char const *  appCaption,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_appmessage ( LogDb self,
char const *  msgText,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_callstatus ( LogDb self,
int  value,
char const *  aNumber,
char const *  aContactName,
int  aStartTime,
int  aOsTerm,
int  aNetTerm,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_cellid ( LogDb self,
char const *  countryCode,
char const *  networkCode,
int  areaCode,
int  cellId,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_httpurl ( LogDb self,
char const *  url,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_inactivity ( LogDb self,
gboolean  value,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_indicator ( LogDb self,
guint32  value,
guint32  caps,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_keypress ( LogDb self,
char const *  aPressTimes,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_light ( LogDb self,
int  level,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_mark ( LogDb self,
char const *  msgText,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_musicplayer ( LogDb self,
int  eventId,
char const *  detail,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_musictrack ( LogDb self,
char const *  url,
char const *  title,
char const *  artist,
char const *  album,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_position ( LogDb self,
double  latitude,
double  longitude,
double  altitude,
double  verticalAccuracy,
double  horizontalAccuracy,
char const *  course,
char const *  satellites,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_profile ( LogDb self,
int  profileId,
char const *  profileName,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_proximity ( LogDb self,
gboolean  isClose,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_smsevent ( LogDb self,
char const *  aEvType,
char const *  aNumber,
char const *  aContactName,
char const *  aBodyText,
GError **  error 
gboolean log_db_log_tap ( LogDb self,
int  direction,
gboolean  isDouble,
GError **  error 
gboolean prepare_sql_statements ( LogDb self,
GError **  error 

Variable Documentation

const char create_tables_sql[] [static]
Initial value:
"create table status_log (unixtime INTEGER, message TEXT);"
"create table mark_log (unixtime INTEGER, message TEXT);"
"create table appmessage_log (unixtime INTEGER, message TEXT);"
"create table timer_scan (unixtime INTEGER);"
"create table flightmode_scan (unixtime INTEGER, value INTEGER);"
"create table battery_scan (unixtime INTEGER, status INTEGER, level INTEGER);"
"create table registration_scan (unixtime INTEGER, status INTEGER);"
"create table signal_scan (unixtime INTEGER, dbm INTEGER, bars INTEGER);"
"create table operator_scan (unixtime INTEGER, name TEXT);"
"create table light_scan (unixtime INTEGER, level INTEGER);"
"create table tap_scan (unixtime INTEGER, direction INTEGER, is_dbl INTEGER);"
"create table proximity_scan (unixtime INTEGER, close INTEGER);"
"create table musicplayer_scan (unixtime INTEGER, event INTEGER, detail TEXT);"
"create table musictrack_scan (unixtime INTEGER, url TEXT, title TEXT, artist TEXT, album TEXT);"
"create table httpurl_scan (unixtime INTEGER, url TEXT);"
"create table weburl_scan (unixtime INTEGER, name TEXT, url TEXT);"
"create table profile_scan (unixtime INTEGER, value INTEGER, name TEXT);"
"create table cellid_scan (unixtime INTEGER, country_code TEXT, network_code TEXT, area_code INTEGER, cell_id INTEGER);"
"create table btprox_scan (unixtime INTEGER, scan_id INTEGER not null primary key AUTOINCREMENT);"
"create table btprox_item (scan_id INTEGER not null, address TEXT not null, name TEXT not null);"
"create table position_scan (unixtime INTEGER, latitude REAL, longitude REAL, altitude REAL, vertical_accuracy REAL, horizontal_accuracy REAL, course TEXT, satellites TEXT);"
"create table appfocus_scan (unixtime INTEGER, uid INTEGER, caption TEXT);"
"create table keypress_scan (unixtime INTEGER, presstimes TEXT);"
"create table inactivity_scan (unixtime INTEGER, value INTEGER);"
"create table indicator_scan (unixtime INTEGER, value INTEGER, caps INTEGER);"
"create table callstatus_scan (unixtime INTEGER not null, value INTEGER not null, number TEXT, contact_name TEXT, starttime INTEGER, osterm INTEGER, netterm INTEGER);"
"create table smsevent_scan (unixtime INTEGER not null, evtype TEXT not null, number TEXT, contact_name TEXT, body TEXT);"

Definition at line 19 of file sa_sensor_list_log_db.c.

Referenced by get_create_tables_sql().

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