fts1.c File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  StringBuffer
struct  DocList
struct  DocListReader
struct  QueryTerm
struct  Query
struct  Snippet
struct  Snippet::snippetMatch
struct  fulltext_vtab
struct  fulltext_cursor
struct  Token
struct  TableSpec


#define TRACE(A)
#define VARINT_MAX   10
#define CHUNK_MAX   256
#define TOKEN_EOF   0
#define TOKEN_SPACE   1
#define TOKEN_ID   2
#define TOKEN_STRING   3
#define TOKEN_PUNCT   4
#define IdChar(C)   (((c=C)&0x80)!=0 || (c>0x1f && isIdChar[c-0x20]))
#define FTS1_ROTOR_SZ   (32)
#define SNIPPET_IGNORE   0


typedef struct fulltext_vtab fulltext_vtab


enum  DocListType {
enum  QueryType {
enum  fulltext_statement {


static void initStringBuffer (StringBuffer *sb)
static void nappend (StringBuffer *sb, const char *zFrom, int nFrom)
static void append (StringBuffer *sb, const char *zFrom)
static int putVarint (char *p, sqlite_int64 v)
static int getVarint (const char *p, sqlite_int64 *v)
static int getVarint32 (const char *p, int *pi)
static int safe_isspace (char c)
static int safe_tolower (char c)
static int safe_isalnum (char c)
static void docListInit (DocList *d, DocListType iType, const char *pData, int nData)
static DocListdocListNew (DocListType iType)
static void docListDestroy (DocList *d)
static void docListDelete (DocList *d)
static char * docListEnd (DocList *d)
static void appendVarint (DocList *d, sqlite_int64 i)
static void docListAddDocid (DocList *d, sqlite_int64 iDocid)
static void addPos (DocList *d, int iColumn, int iPos)
static void docListAddPos (DocList *d, int iColumn, int iPos)
static void docListAddPosOffset (DocList *d, int iColumn, int iPos, int iStartOffset, int iEndOffset)
static void readerInit (DocListReader *r, DocList *pDoclist)
static int atEnd (DocListReader *pReader)
static sqlite_int64 peekDocid (DocListReader *pReader)
static sqlite_int64 readDocid (DocListReader *pReader)
static int readPosition (DocListReader *pReader, int *iColumn)
static void skipPositionList (DocListReader *pReader)
static void skipDocument (DocListReader *pReader)
static int skipToDocid (DocListReader *pReader, sqlite_int64 iDocid)
static sqlite_int64 firstDocid (DocList *d)
static void docListRestrictColumn (DocList *in, int iRestrictColumn)
static void docListDiscardEmpty (DocList *in)
static void docListSpliceElement (DocListReader *r, sqlite_int64 iDocid, const char *pSource, int nSource)
static void docListUpdate (DocList *d, DocList *pUpdate)
static void docListAccumulate (DocList *pAcc, DocList *pUpdate)
static sqlite_int64 nextDocid (DocListReader *pIn)
static void mergePosList (DocListReader *pLeft, DocListReader *pRight, sqlite_int64 iDocid, DocList *pOut)
static void docListPhraseMerge (DocList *pLeft, DocList *pRight, DocList *pOut)
static void docListAndMerge (DocList *pLeft, DocList *pRight, DocList *pOut)
static void docListOrMerge (DocList *pLeft, DocList *pRight, DocList *pOut)
static void docListExceptMerge (DocList *pLeft, DocList *pRight, DocList *pOut)
static char * string_dup_n (const char *s, int n)
static char * string_dup (const char *s)
static char * string_format (const char *zFormat, const char *zDb, const char *zName)
static int sql_exec (sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, const char *zName, const char *zFormat)
static int sql_prepare (sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, const char *zName, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, const char *zFormat)
static struct fulltext_vtabcursor_vtab (fulltext_cursor *c)
static void appendList (StringBuffer *sb, int nString, char **azString)
static const char * contentInsertStatement (fulltext_vtab *v)
static const char * contentUpdateStatement (fulltext_vtab *v)
static int sql_get_statement (fulltext_vtab *v, fulltext_statement iStmt, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt)
static int sql_step_statement (fulltext_vtab *v, fulltext_statement iStmt, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt)
static int sql_single_step_statement (fulltext_vtab *v, fulltext_statement iStmt, sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt)
static int content_insert (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite3_value *rowid, sqlite3_value **pValues)
static int content_update (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite3_value **pValues, sqlite_int64 iRowid)
static void freeStringArray (int nString, const char **pString)
static int content_select (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow, const char ***pValues)
static int content_delete (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow)
static int term_select (fulltext_vtab *v, const char *pTerm, int nTerm, int iSegment, sqlite_int64 *rowid, DocList *out)
static int term_select_all (fulltext_vtab *v, int iColumn, const char *pTerm, int nTerm, DocList *out)
static int term_insert (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 *piRowid, const char *pTerm, int nTerm, int iSegment, DocList *doclist)
static int term_update (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 rowid, DocList *doclist)
static int term_delete (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 rowid)
static void fulltext_vtab_destroy (fulltext_vtab *v)
static int getToken (const char *z, int *tokenType)
static char ** tokenizeString (const char *z, int *pnToken)
static void dequoteString (char *z)
static void tokenListToIdList (char **azIn)
static char * firstToken (char *zIn, char **pzTail)
static int startsWith (const char *s, const char *t)
static void clearTableSpec (TableSpec *p)
static int parseSpec (TableSpec *pSpec, int argc, const char *const *argv, char **pzErr)
static char * fulltextSchema (int nColumn, const char *const *azColumn, const char *zTableName)
static int constructVtab (sqlite3 *db, TableSpec *spec, sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char **pzErr)
static int fulltextConnect (sqlite3 *db, void *pAux, int argc, const char *const *argv, sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char **pzErr)
static int fulltextCreate (sqlite3 *db, void *pAux, int argc, const char *const *argv, sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char **pzErr)
static int fulltextBestIndex (sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info *pInfo)
static int fulltextDisconnect (sqlite3_vtab *pVTab)
static int fulltextDestroy (sqlite3_vtab *pVTab)
static int fulltextOpen (sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor)
static void queryClear (Query *q)
static void snippetClear (Snippet *p)
static void snippetAppendMatch (Snippet *p, int iCol, int iTerm, int iStart, int nByte)
static void snippetOffsetsOfColumn (Query *pQuery, Snippet *pSnippet, int iColumn, const char *zDoc, int nDoc)
static void snippetAllOffsets (fulltext_cursor *p)
static void snippetOffsetText (Snippet *p)
static int wordBoundary (int iBreak, const char *zDoc, int nDoc, struct snippetMatch *aMatch, int nMatch, int iCol)
static void appendWhiteSpace (StringBuffer *p)
static void trimWhiteSpace (StringBuffer *p)
static void snippetText (fulltext_cursor *pCursor, const char *zStartMark, const char *zEndMark, const char *zEllipsis)
static int fulltextClose (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor)
static int fulltextNext (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor)
static int docListOfTerm (fulltext_vtab *v, int iColumn, QueryTerm *pQTerm, DocList **ppResult)
static void queryAdd (Query *q, const char *pTerm, int nTerm)
static int checkColumnSpecifier (fulltext_vtab *pVtab, const char *zToken, int nToken)
static int tokenizeSegment (sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer, const char *pSegment, int nSegment, int inPhrase, Query *pQuery)
static int parseQuery (fulltext_vtab *v, const char *zInput, int nInput, int dfltColumn, Query *pQuery)
static int fulltextQuery (fulltext_vtab *v, int iColumn, const char *zInput, int nInput, DocList **pResult, Query *pQuery)
static int fulltextFilter (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, int idxNum, const char *idxStr, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
static int fulltextEof (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor)
static int fulltextColumn (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite3_context *pContext, int idxCol)
static int fulltextRowid (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid)
static int buildTerms (fulltext_vtab *v, fts1Hash *terms, sqlite_int64 iDocid, const char *zText, int iColumn)
static int index_insert_term (fulltext_vtab *v, const char *pTerm, int nTerm, DocList *d)
static int insertTerms (fulltext_vtab *v, fts1Hash *terms, sqlite_int64 iRowid, sqlite3_value **pValues)
static int deleteTerms (fulltext_vtab *v, fts1Hash *pTerms, sqlite_int64 iRowid)
static int index_insert (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite3_value *pRequestRowid, sqlite3_value **pValues, sqlite_int64 *piRowid, fts1Hash *pTerms)
static int index_delete (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow, fts1Hash *pTerms)
static int index_update (fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow, sqlite3_value **pValues, fts1Hash *pTerms)
static int fulltextUpdate (sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, int nArg, sqlite3_value **ppArg, sqlite_int64 *pRowid)
static void snippetFunc (sqlite3_context *pContext, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
static void snippetOffsetsFunc (sqlite3_context *pContext, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv)
static int fulltextFindFunction (sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, int nArg, const char *zName, void(**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context *, int, sqlite3_value **), void **ppArg)
static int fulltextRename (sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, const char *zName)
int sqlite3Fts1Init (sqlite3 *db)
int sqlite3_extension_init (sqlite3 *db, char **pzErrMsg, const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi)


static const char *const fulltext_zStatement [MAX_STMT]
static const sqlite3_module fulltextModule
static const char isIdChar []

Define Documentation

#define CHUNK_MAX   256

Definition at line 1038 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by index_insert_term().


Definition at line 2205 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by snippetOffsetsOfColumn().

#define FTS1_ROTOR_SZ   (32)

Definition at line 2204 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by snippetOffsetsOfColumn().

#define IdChar (  )     (((c=C)&0x80)!=0 || (c>0x1f && isIdChar[c-0x20]))

Definition at line 1559 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by getToken(), sqlite3_complete(), and sqlite3GetToken().


Definition at line 2404 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by snippetText().

#define SNIPPET_IGNORE   0

Definition at line 2403 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by snippetText().

#define TOKEN_EOF   0

Definition at line 1531 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by firstToken(), ftsGetToken(), and getToken().

#define TOKEN_ID   2

Definition at line 1533 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by ftsGetToken(), and getToken().

#define TOKEN_PUNCT   4

Definition at line 1535 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by ftsGetToken(), and getToken().

#define TOKEN_SPACE   1

Definition at line 1532 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by firstToken(), ftsGetToken(), getToken(), and tokenizeString().

#define TOKEN_STRING   3

Definition at line 1534 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by ftsGetToken(), and getToken().

#define TRACE (  ) 

Definition at line 60 of file fts1.c.

#define VARINT_MAX   10

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct fulltext_vtab fulltext_vtab

Definition at line 946 of file fts1.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 243 of file fts1.c.


Definition at line 217 of file fts1.c.


Definition at line 1040 of file fts1.c.

enum QueryType

Definition at line 1021 of file fts1.c.

Function Documentation

static void addPos ( DocList d,
int  iColumn,
int  iPos 
) [static]
static void append ( StringBuffer sb,
const char *  zFrom 
) [static]
static void appendList ( StringBuffer sb,
int  nString,
char **  azString 
) [static]

Definition at line 1123 of file fts1.c.

References append().

Referenced by contentInsertStatement(), and fulltextCreate().

static void appendVarint ( DocList d,
sqlite_int64  i 
) [static]

Definition at line 288 of file fts1.c.

References DocList::nData, DocList::pData, putVarint, and VARINT_MAX.

Referenced by addPos(), docListAddDocid(), docListAddPos(), and docListAddPosOffset().

static void appendWhiteSpace ( StringBuffer p  )  [static]

Definition at line 2383 of file fts1.c.

References append(), StringBuffer::len, StringBuffer::s, and safe_isspace().

Referenced by snippetText().

static int atEnd ( DocListReader pReader  )  [static]
static int buildTerms ( fulltext_vtab v,
fts1Hash terms,
sqlite_int64  iDocid,
const char *  zText,
int  iColumn 
) [static]
static int checkColumnSpecifier ( fulltext_vtab pVtab,
const char *  zToken,
int  nToken 
) [static]

Definition at line 2646 of file fts1.c.

References fulltext_vtab::azColumn, and fulltext_vtab::nColumn.

Referenced by tokenizeSegment().

static void clearTableSpec ( TableSpec p  )  [static]
static int constructVtab ( sqlite3 db,
TableSpec spec,
sqlite3_vtab **  ppVTab,
char **  pzErr 
) [static]
static int content_delete ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64  iRow 
) [static]
static int content_insert ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite3_value rowid,
sqlite3_value **  pValues 
) [static]
static int content_select ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64  iRow,
const char ***  pValues 
) [static]
static int content_update ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite3_value **  pValues,
sqlite_int64  iRowid 
) [static]
static const char* contentInsertStatement ( fulltext_vtab v  )  [static]
static const char* contentUpdateStatement ( fulltext_vtab v  )  [static]
static struct fulltext_vtab* cursor_vtab ( fulltext_cursor c  )  [static, read]

Definition at line 1116 of file fts1.c.

References fulltext_cursor::base, and sqlite3_vtab_cursor::pVtab.

Referenced by fulltextColumn(), and fulltextFilter().

static int deleteTerms ( fulltext_vtab v,
fts1Hash pTerms,
sqlite_int64  iRowid 
) [static]

Definition at line 3096 of file fts1.c.

References buildTerms(), content_select(), freeStringArray(), fulltext_vtab::nColumn, and SQLITE_OK.

Referenced by index_delete(), and index_update().

static void dequoteString ( char *  z  )  [static]

Definition at line 1681 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by firstToken(), and tokenListToIdList().

static void docListAccumulate ( DocList pAcc,
DocList pUpdate 
) [static]
static void docListAddDocid ( DocList d,
sqlite_int64  iDocid 
) [static]
static void docListAddPos ( DocList d,
int  iColumn,
int  iPos 
) [static]
static void docListAddPosOffset ( DocList d,
int  iColumn,
int  iPos,
int  iStartOffset,
int  iEndOffset 
) [static]
static void docListAndMerge ( DocList pLeft,
DocList pRight,
DocList pOut 
) [static]

Definition at line 762 of file fts1.c.

References DL_POSITIONS, docListAddDocid(), DocList::iType, left, nextDocid(), readerInit(), and right.

Referenced by fulltextQuery().

static void docListDelete ( DocList d  )  [static]

Definition at line 278 of file fts1.c.

References docListDestroy().

Referenced by docListOfTerm(), fulltextClose(), fulltextFilter(), fulltextQuery(), and fulltextUpdate().

static void docListDestroy ( DocList d  )  [static]
static void docListDiscardEmpty ( DocList in  )  [static]
static char* docListEnd ( DocList d  )  [static]

Definition at line 283 of file fts1.c.

References DocList::nData, and DocList::pData.

Referenced by atEnd(), and docListSpliceElement().

static void docListExceptMerge ( DocList pLeft,
DocList pRight,
DocList pOut 
) [static]

Definition at line 841 of file fts1.c.

References docListAddDocid(), left, nextDocid(), readerInit(), and right.

Referenced by fulltextQuery().

static void docListInit ( DocList d,
DocListType  iType,
const char *  pData,
int  nData 
) [static]
static DocList* docListNew ( DocListType  iType  )  [static]

Definition at line 265 of file fts1.c.

References d(), and docListInit().

Referenced by buildTerms(), docListOfTerm(), and fulltextQuery().

static int docListOfTerm ( fulltext_vtab v,
int  iColumn,
QueryTerm pQTerm,
DocList **  ppResult 
) [static]
static void docListOrMerge ( DocList pLeft,
DocList pRight,
DocList pOut 
) [static]

Definition at line 796 of file fts1.c.

References docListAddDocid(), left, nextDocid(), readerInit(), and right.

Referenced by fulltextQuery().

static void docListPhraseMerge ( DocList pLeft,
DocList pRight,
DocList pOut 
) [static]

Definition at line 730 of file fts1.c.

References left, mergePosList(), nextDocid(), readerInit(), and right.

Referenced by docListOfTerm().

static void docListRestrictColumn ( DocList in,
int  iRestrictColumn 
) [static]
static void docListSpliceElement ( DocListReader r,
sqlite_int64  iDocid,
const char *  pSource,
int  nSource 
) [static]
static void docListUpdate ( DocList d,
DocList pUpdate 
) [static]
static sqlite_int64 firstDocid ( DocList d  )  [static]

Definition at line 483 of file fts1.c.

References readDocid(), and readerInit().

Referenced by docListUpdate().

static char* firstToken ( char *  zIn,
char **  pzTail 
) [static]

Definition at line 1745 of file fts1.c.

References dequoteString(), getToken(), TOKEN_EOF, TOKEN_SPACE, and ttype.

Referenced by parseSpec().

static void freeStringArray ( int  nString,
const char **  pString 
) [static]

Definition at line 1283 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by content_select(), and deleteTerms().

static void fulltext_vtab_destroy ( fulltext_vtab v  )  [static]
static int fulltextBestIndex ( sqlite3_vtab pVTab,
sqlite3_index_info pInfo 
) [static]
static int fulltextClose ( sqlite3_vtab_cursor pCursor  )  [static]
static int fulltextColumn ( sqlite3_vtab_cursor pCursor,
sqlite3_context pContext,
int  idxCol 
) [static]
static int fulltextConnect ( sqlite3 db,
void *  pAux,
int  argc,
const char *const *  argv,
sqlite3_vtab **  ppVTab,
char **  pzErr 
) [static]

Definition at line 2004 of file fts1.c.

References clearTableSpec(), constructVtab(), parseSpec(), and SQLITE_OK.

static int fulltextCreate ( sqlite3 db,
void *  pAux,
int  argc,
const char *const *  argv,
sqlite3_vtab **  ppVTab,
char **  pzErr 
) [static]
static int fulltextDestroy ( sqlite3_vtab pVTab  )  [static]
static int fulltextDisconnect ( sqlite3_vtab pVTab  )  [static]

Definition at line 2121 of file fts1.c.

References fulltext_vtab_destroy(), SQLITE_OK, and TRACE.

static int fulltextEof ( sqlite3_vtab_cursor pCursor  )  [static]

Definition at line 2928 of file fts1.c.

References fulltext_cursor::eof.

static int fulltextFilter ( sqlite3_vtab_cursor pCursor,
int  idxNum,
const char *  idxStr,
int  argc,
sqlite3_value **  argv 
) [static]
static int fulltextFindFunction ( sqlite3_vtab pVtab,
int  nArg,
const char *  zName,
void(**)(sqlite3_context *, int, sqlite3_value **)  pxFunc,
void **  ppArg 
) [static]

Definition at line 3269 of file fts1.c.

References snippetFunc(), and snippetOffsetsFunc().

static int fulltextNext ( sqlite3_vtab_cursor pCursor  )  [static]
static int fulltextOpen ( sqlite3_vtab pVTab,
sqlite3_vtab_cursor **  ppCursor 
) [static]

Definition at line 2142 of file fts1.c.

References fulltext_cursor::base, SQLITE_OK, and TRACE.

static int fulltextQuery ( fulltext_vtab v,
int  iColumn,
const char *  zInput,
int  nInput,
DocList **  pResult,
Query pQuery 
) [static]
static int fulltextRename ( sqlite3_vtab pVtab,
const char *  zName 
) [static]
static int fulltextRowid ( sqlite3_vtab_cursor pCursor,
sqlite_int64 pRowid 
) [static]

Definition at line 2960 of file fts1.c.

References fulltext_cursor::pStmt, sqlite3_column_int64(), and SQLITE_OK.

static char* fulltextSchema ( int  nColumn,
const char *const *  azColumn,
const char *  zTableName 
) [static]

Definition at line 1912 of file fts1.c.

References sqlite3_free(), and sqlite3_mprintf().

Referenced by constructVtab().

static int fulltextUpdate ( sqlite3_vtab pVtab,
int  nArg,
sqlite3_value **  ppArg,
sqlite_int64 pRowid 
) [static]
static int getToken ( const char *  z,
int *  tokenType 
) [static]

Definition at line 1566 of file fts1.c.

References IdChar, safe_isspace(), TOKEN_EOF, TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_PUNCT, TOKEN_SPACE, and TOKEN_STRING.

Referenced by firstToken(), and tokenizeString().

static int getVarint ( const char *  p,
sqlite_int64 v 
) [static]

Definition at line 129 of file fts1.c.

References VARINT_MAX.

static int getVarint32 ( const char *  p,
int *  pi 
) [static]

Definition at line 145 of file fts1.c.

References getVarint.

static int index_delete ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64  iRow,
fts1Hash pTerms 
) [static]

Definition at line 3127 of file fts1.c.

References content_delete(), deleteTerms(), and SQLITE_OK.

Referenced by fulltextUpdate().

static int index_insert ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite3_value pRequestRowid,
sqlite3_value **  pValues,
sqlite_int64 piRowid,
fts1Hash pTerms 
) [static]

Definition at line 3114 of file fts1.c.

References content_insert(), fulltext_vtab::db, insertTerms(), sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(), and SQLITE_OK.

Referenced by fulltextUpdate().

static int index_insert_term ( fulltext_vtab v,
const char *  pTerm,
int  nTerm,
DocList d 
) [static]
static int index_update ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64  iRow,
sqlite3_value **  pValues,
fts1Hash pTerms 
) [static]

Definition at line 3135 of file fts1.c.

References content_update(), deleteTerms(), insertTerms(), and SQLITE_OK.

Referenced by fulltextUpdate().

static void initStringBuffer ( StringBuffer sb  )  [static]
static int insertTerms ( fulltext_vtab v,
fts1Hash terms,
sqlite_int64  iRowid,
sqlite3_value **  pValues 
) [static]

Definition at line 3083 of file fts1.c.

References buildTerms(), fulltext_vtab::nColumn, sqlite3_value_text(), and SQLITE_OK.

Referenced by index_insert(), and index_update().

static void mergePosList ( DocListReader pLeft,
DocListReader pRight,
sqlite_int64  iDocid,
DocList pOut 
) [static]
static void nappend ( StringBuffer sb,
const char *  zFrom,
int  nFrom 
) [static]

Definition at line 78 of file fts1.c.

References StringBuffer::alloced, initStringBuffer(), StringBuffer::len, and StringBuffer::s.

Referenced by append(), and snippetText().

static sqlite_int64 nextDocid ( DocListReader pIn  )  [static]
static int parseQuery ( fulltext_vtab v,
const char *  zInput,
int  nInput,
int  dfltColumn,
Query pQuery 
) [static]
static int parseSpec ( TableSpec pSpec,
int  argc,
const char *const *  argv,
char **  pzErr 
) [static]
static sqlite_int64 peekDocid ( DocListReader pReader  )  [static]

Definition at line 396 of file fts1.c.

References atEnd(), getVarint, DocListReader::iLastPos, and DocListReader::p.

Referenced by skipToDocid().

static int putVarint ( char *  p,
sqlite_int64  v 
) [static]

Definition at line 114 of file fts1.c.

References VARINT_MAX.

static void queryAdd ( Query q,
const char *  pTerm,
int  nTerm 
) [static]
static void queryClear ( Query q  )  [static]

Definition at line 2156 of file fts1.c.

References Query::nTerms, QueryTerm::pTerm, and Query::pTerms.

Referenced by fulltextClose(), fulltextFilter(), fulltextQuery(), and parseQuery().

static sqlite_int64 readDocid ( DocListReader pReader  )  [static]
static void readerInit ( DocListReader r,
DocList pDoclist 
) [static]
static int readPosition ( DocListReader pReader,
int *  iColumn 
) [static]
static int safe_isalnum ( char  c  )  [static]

Definition at line 213 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by parseSpec(), startsWith(), and tokenListToIdList().

static int safe_isspace ( char  c  )  [static]

Definition at line 207 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by appendWhiteSpace(), getToken(), startsWith(), trimWhiteSpace(), and wordBoundary().

static int safe_tolower ( char  c  )  [static]

Definition at line 210 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by startsWith().

static void skipDocument ( DocListReader pReader  )  [static]

Definition at line 466 of file fts1.c.

References readDocid(), and skipPositionList().

Referenced by docListSpliceElement(), and skipToDocid().

static void skipPositionList ( DocListReader pReader  )  [static]
static int skipToDocid ( DocListReader pReader,
sqlite_int64  iDocid 
) [static]

Definition at line 473 of file fts1.c.

References atEnd(), d(), peekDocid(), and skipDocument().

Referenced by docListSpliceElement().

static void snippetAllOffsets ( fulltext_cursor p  )  [static]
static void snippetAppendMatch ( Snippet p,
int  iCol,
int  iTerm,
int  iStart,
int  nByte 
) [static]
static void snippetClear ( Snippet p  )  [static]

Definition at line 2168 of file fts1.c.

References Snippet::aMatch, Snippet::zOffset, and Snippet::zSnippet.

Referenced by fulltextClose(), and fulltextNext().

static void snippetFunc ( sqlite3_context pContext,
int  argc,
sqlite3_value **  argv 
) [static]
static void snippetOffsetsFunc ( sqlite3_context pContext,
int  argc,
sqlite3_value **  argv 
) [static]
static void snippetOffsetsOfColumn ( Query pQuery,
Snippet pSnippet,
int  iColumn,
const char *  zDoc,
int  nDoc 
) [static]
static void snippetOffsetText ( Snippet p  )  [static]
static void snippetText ( fulltext_cursor pCursor,
const char *  zStartMark,
const char *  zEndMark,
const char *  zEllipsis 
) [static]
static int sql_exec ( sqlite3 db,
const char *  zDb,
const char *  zName,
const char *  zFormat 
) [static]

Definition at line 923 of file fts1.c.

References sqlite3_exec(), string_format(), and TRACE.

Referenced by fulltextCreate(), and fulltextDestroy().

static int sql_get_statement ( fulltext_vtab v,
fulltext_statement  iStmt,
sqlite3_stmt **  ppStmt 
) [static]
static int sql_prepare ( sqlite3 db,
const char *  zDb,
const char *  zName,
sqlite3_stmt **  ppStmt,
const char *  zFormat 
) [static]

Definition at line 933 of file fts1.c.

References sqlite3_prepare(), string_format(), and TRACE.

Referenced by fulltextFilter(), and sql_get_statement().

static int sql_single_step_statement ( fulltext_vtab v,
fulltext_statement  iStmt,
sqlite3_stmt **  ppStmt 
) [static]
static int sql_step_statement ( fulltext_vtab v,
fulltext_statement  iStmt,
sqlite3_stmt **  ppStmt 
) [static]
int sqlite3_extension_init ( sqlite3 db,
char **  pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines pApi 

Definition at line 3338 of file fts1.c.

References sqlite3Fts1Init(), and SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2.

int sqlite3Fts1Init ( sqlite3 db  ) 

Definition at line 3331 of file fts1.c.

References sqlite3_create_module(), and sqlite3_overload_function().

Referenced by openDatabase(), and sqlite3_extension_init().

static int startsWith ( const char *  s,
const char *  t 
) [static]

Definition at line 1775 of file fts1.c.

References safe_isalnum(), safe_isspace(), and safe_tolower().

Referenced by constructVtab(), and parseSpec().

static char* string_dup ( const char *  s  )  [static]

Definition at line 882 of file fts1.c.

References string_dup_n().

Referenced by content_select().

static char* string_dup_n ( const char *  s,
int  n 
) [static]

Definition at line 872 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by string_dup().

static char* string_format ( const char *  zFormat,
const char *  zDb,
const char *  zName 
) [static]

Definition at line 890 of file fts1.c.

Referenced by sql_exec(), and sql_prepare().

static int term_delete ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64  rowid 
) [static]
static int term_insert ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64 piRowid,
const char *  pTerm,
int  nTerm,
int  iSegment,
DocList doclist 
) [static]
static int term_select ( fulltext_vtab v,
const char *  pTerm,
int  nTerm,
int  iSegment,
sqlite_int64 rowid,
DocList out 
) [static]
static int term_select_all ( fulltext_vtab v,
int  iColumn,
const char *  pTerm,
int  nTerm,
DocList out 
) [static]
static int term_update ( fulltext_vtab v,
sqlite_int64  rowid,
DocList doclist 
) [static]
static int tokenizeSegment ( sqlite3_tokenizer pTokenizer,
const char *  pSegment,
int  nSegment,
int  inPhrase,
Query pQuery 
) [static]
static char** tokenizeString ( const char *  z,
int *  pnToken 
) [static]

Definition at line 1634 of file fts1.c.

References getToken(), Token::n, TOKEN_SPACE, and Token::z.

Referenced by parseSpec().

static void tokenListToIdList ( char **  azIn  )  [static]

Definition at line 1723 of file fts1.c.

References dequoteString(), and safe_isalnum().

Referenced by parseSpec().

static void trimWhiteSpace ( StringBuffer p  )  [static]

Definition at line 2392 of file fts1.c.

References StringBuffer::len, StringBuffer::s, and safe_isspace().

Referenced by snippetText().

static int wordBoundary ( int  iBreak,
const char *  zDoc,
int  nDoc,
struct snippetMatch *  aMatch,
int  nMatch,
int  iCol 
) [static]

Definition at line 2343 of file fts1.c.

References safe_isspace().

Referenced by snippetText().

Variable Documentation

const char* const fulltext_zStatement[MAX_STMT] [static]
Initial value:
   "select * from %_content where rowid = ?",
   "delete from %_content where rowid = ?",

  "select rowid, doclist from %_term where term = ? and segment = ?",
  "select doclist from %_term where term = ? order by segment",
  "insert into %_term (rowid, term, segment, doclist) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
   "update %_term set doclist = ? where rowid = ?",
   "delete from %_term where rowid = ?",

Definition at line 1061 of file fts1.c.

static const sqlite3_module fulltextModule [static]
const char isIdChar[] [static]
Initial value:

    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  
    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,  
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  
    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  

Definition at line 1550 of file fts1.c.

ContextLogger2—ContextLogger2 Logger Daemon Internals—Generated on Mon May 2 13:49:58 2011 by Doxygen 1.6.1